
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

D-List Blog Party 2010


Hey everybody from D-List!

Thanks for stopping by my lil corner of the bloggy world. I am also excited about this Blog Party bc I love meeting new people and finding new blogs to follow.

About Me: I am currently a SAHM but I will be returning to work this fall as a teacher after being off of work for 2 years. I have a handsome almost 2 year old son, who I call Boppers, who is all boy (tractors, trucks, dirt and worms). I am married to a wonderful man and we have been married for almost 3 years. I live in a small town in Tennessee on the family farm.
Boppers and Me! (you try to get your toddler to look at the camera lol)


  1. Oh got to share the Tennessee love! Born and raised in Memphis, I claim Georgia now but TN is god's country. Look forward to following you and good for you for rocking mini van. I am fighting it but losing the battle.

  2. Hi Lindsey,
    I'm doing a little blog hopping today from The D-List and just love your blog title, it makes me giggle every time I see it! :) I also wanted to say that my little girl, Emily, it totally ALL boy, too with the dirt and the worms and the tractors. haha

  3. just doing a little blog partying and i thought i'd give a shout! cute blog and an even cuter family! have a great day :)

  4. Hi...visiting from the D-List party! Happy blogging!

  5. Hello - stopping in from the D-List! Nice to meet you! Your title is the cutest, by the way!

  6. Just stopping by from the D-list. Your son is adorable. Congrats to you on heading back to teaching after 2 years off. I taught before becoming a SAHM and I've been home for 4 years now. I can't imagine going back. I hope you'll share some stories about how it goes. Where will your son be?

  7. Hi Lindsey! Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm a follower now!

    Most of my pictures is of my son looking away or the back of his head! :-)

    I would love to go back to school for teaching when my son is in school himself.

    I look forward to reading your blog!

  8. Hi! Stopping by from the blog party a little late! CUTE baby boy! I also grew up on a farm and it is so cute how little boys love all that farming stuff. Big boys too, I guess huh? Great blog! Looking forward to stopping by again!

  9. Hi Lindsey! Another D-List party hopper here. My daughter won't usually look at the camera either, but she is getting better.

    Good luck with the transition back to work. My mom is a retired teacher, so I know what a thankless job that can sometimes be. I admire and respect all of the teachers out there!

  10. Hi! Just found you on the d-list...cute blog!

  11. Your son is ADORABLE and I love your blog title. I have a hard time getting my 8 month old to look at the camera!

    Thanks so much for partying with me!
